The Remnant
Romans 11:5
I have recently been streaming The Chosen and enjoying the portrayal of how Jesus’ earthly ministry may have looked. A reading of the gospels gives such a vivid picture of Jesus’ life on earth, but to see the events placed alongside each other in a visual representation has been a wonderful experience for many people. Many have even been reconsidering their faith and growing spiritually as a result of this depiction. Yet, some wonder in a age when Hollywood and the mainstream media are so hostile to Christianity how such a series could even exist, let alone grow to such popularity.
It does not surprise me, and I’ll tell you why. I believe that just as in the time of Noah, the time of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezra, and Nehemiah, there is a remnant. Even in the darkest of ages, there has always been a remnant of God’s people, no matter how small, and His Word carries on throughout.
God will never forsake His people and He wishes for all to come to repentance, so there will always be a vessel to carry on. Even in a sea of filth on TV, there is still a place for a God-honoring, Gospel-spreading media, and there is obviously an audience for it.
You and I are part of that remnant as well. You may be the only Christian in your workplace or among the parents at your childrens’ school. That can seem discouraging and daunting, but it’s a calling. We are called to be the light of the world, a city on a hill, living stones of God’s temple. We remain, however few we may be compared to years past. Don’t let that discourage you, let it encourage you to keep living in the way. The world is hungry for truth and you don’t know who you’ll touch.