Just following the manual
2 Timothy 3:1-17
On many occasions I have been congratulated for doing a good job by a coworker who could have done just as good a job in the same situation. The reason for that is because I was simply following what the relevant service manual said to do. It’s not that I knew exactly what to do because I’m so good at what I do, it’s that I know where to look to find the answers. In those situations I will usually reply to the person patting me on the back, letting them know that they too could have followed the manual.
Just a few days ago I came to the realization that this is much like following Christ. We have the instruction manual on living a godly life, if we will just follow it. No doubt we won’t do it perfectly because we’re imperfect humans, but we will surely fail if we don’t even try to reference the manual. The Bible, God’s Word, was given to us for a purpose, and it wasn’t just to make us feel good.
The Bible contains teaching through lessons that are spelled out, but it also provides an example to follow. It shows us how Jesus lived, the perfect example. The Apostle Paul says that this book, which is without any error, is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness. God’s Word equips us for every good work. It’s a lamp to light our path, and it’s mass produced and affordable to own. Whatever questions life throws at us, we have the manual to look for the answer. I don’t know about you, but at points in my life I’ve taken that for granted. Far be it from me to ever again neglect the fact that God himself provided me with everything I need to live for Him.