I am the First and the Last
Isaiah 48:12
Do you know who God is? Do you know who He says He is? I think from time to time we all need a reminder. This was the case with the Israelites, to who the prophet Isaiah was sent. They had forgotten God and had moved on to trusting in their own wisdom. Don’t we still do the same thing? Don’t we still need the same reminders that they did so long ago?
God declares himself the FIrst and the Last, the Lord. He is the First, He was before all things, He created all things, and in Him all things hold together. Were it not for the Lord, you and I wouldn’t exist, the air we breathe wouldn’t be, and the world itself would not have come about.
He is the last, the end will not come until He deems it time. The One who created all is in control of when and how all cease to be. Our lives are in His hands. How could we forget that and get it into our heads that we’re in charge or that we have the power to control this life?
He is the beginning and He is the end. He’s also everything in between. Let’s remember that and give Him thanks and worship.